Psychic Shelly

Clairvoyant Medium

Wednesday, 8th May 2024
UK Time: 1:30:am

Shelly's Blog



Happy Birthday Pisces, some lovely sparkling aspects in this birth month of yours from early to Mid-March, so please take these through the rest of the year. This month is mainly about work for you. What should set you apart from everyone else is your wonderful ability to write; speak; translate; decode. Your work should be highly imaginative and cause others to sit up and take notice. 12th March is a day when Jupiter and Pluto align, this heralds one of the biggest configurations of the year for you and as such this day is an important day. You may feel the energies of this day as early as 8th March and there is the chance of a generous financial offer associated with this day. The New Moon of 2012 will arrive in your salary sector on 22nd March and this is a good time to speak of a pay rise or to find other ways to increase your income. You may find that unusual work projects come your way, this is something that you relish and with Jupiter close to Venus it seems that everyone loves your work. This month does appear to be consumed with work and financial matters but there is still some room for love. If you are single it is possible that romance will not be high on your list of priorities, but Venus is in Taurus from 5th March until 3rd April, which is a wonderful blessing so you will not have to try too hard to find a partner or tread pastures new. Venus will help you. 13th - 15th March should be fantastic for you. There is a wonderful golden triangle to thank for this; it links Mars, Jupiter and Pluto and you may get outstanding news from a partner. Any papers to be signed during 12th March to 4th April please reconsider signing and make sure you have all the information before signing. 24th March a good day to make decisions; your mind will be so sharp it could cut.....

Remember Pisces; make a wish on your birthday as this is the most powerful day of the year for you.

ROMANTIC DATES: 3-5, 7-11, 12-16, 19, 30-31




Hey Aquarians... what an interesting time for you. You have Venus staying close to Jupiter which means that your home and family sector will be brightened with beauty and comfort and you have a huge dollop of good luck. So any decorating you may be thinking of this is a good time to do it; if you want that new piece of furniture you will find yourself discovering exactly what you want for your home and comfort. There is a Full Moon on 8th March; and you should feel this power two days beforehand and four days afterwards. You have Mars placed in your financial sector and you may have been considering how you can fund a certain project or goal. Mars has been there since mid November ..... So you could well be sorting out a mortgage/loan/home improvement/inheritance. This month is about finances, sorting them out, seeing the end of insurance claims (do not necessarily accept their first offer), dealing with tax affairs and making decisions on your home and anything to do with your home. As far as love is concerned, a time of relationships being unpredictable, with feelings running hot and cold. You have Mercury running close to Uranus in your fifth house during the entire month, so no arguing please ... sit at home with a good book and ride the energy out, but what we will say is that do not spend time with those that do not deserve you or your time. Those of you that are attached will not fare much better, so one of those times to keep quiet and ride it out, ignore the erratic behaviour and bring in positivity, but some brilliant news on the horizon... mid June you will enter one of the finest periods for love that you will have seen in over a decade. Have patience if you feel your love life is not where it should be; soon you will be the darling of the zodiac and the envy of every sign. You are close to the kind of love you dreamed of. Make it a good month Aquarians, be aware that the moon on 8th March bring financial matters to a culmination; expenditure has been high and will continue to be until June, so cut your cloth accordingly; 22nd March could bring a very short trip for you filled with excitement and adventure; do not sign any contracts 12th March - 4th April when Mercury goes retrograde, if you can wait until after 21st April it will be much better for you and 24th March your ruling planet Uranus will conjunct with the Sun making it a big day for you ... especially if you are creative.

ROMANTIC DATES: 3-5, 6, 12-15, 17-18, 22 and 23


Wow ... we think we can just say WHAT A FANTASTIC MONTH FOR YOU... but we know you will want to know details, so here we go. You are ambitious and often do not allow yourselves time to relax and enjoy life or the fruits of your labour, but dear Capricorn, early March you will be unable to resist the temptation to enjoy as this month should be so enchanting for you. This is one of the best months of the year for you. You have what astrologers call a 'grand trine'. This is the best configuration you can ever wish to see and it will help you in ways you will not expect. But this grand trine is different, for all the planets in it; four in all, are all your Earth signs. When all the planets start to arrive in their respective places in the heavens between 12th and 13th March they will shower you with possibilities....a full moon always has an area of influence of plus or minus four days, so the full moon of the 8th will make the gifts visible that the golden triangle before it arrives. The sentence to sum it up is that you need to aim to finish all talks and projects by the full moon with a tighter area of influence from 7th-11th March. That's the info, now the practicalities. The full moon occurs in your solar house ninth house which rules amongst other things, travel. So early March a good time to travel. You will find yourself eager to spread your wings and to see more of the world. Go for it. Just remember that when you feel a little bored, ground down by routine, this is the minds thermostat for wanting a bit more adventure and excitement... give it... if you cannot take a physical journey, have mind journey to places and experiences via books/films/classes etc. etc. Now love. 2012 promised to be a year of love for you. Venus will join with Jupiter in Taurus in your fifth house, delivering much of that promise. Never have you had such a promising time for that love you so strive for and deserve. This reaches conjunction on 13th March but the whole period 7th to 15th March brings much promise of love. But dear Cap ... THERE IS MORE.... 12th March Jupiter in Taurus will contact Pluto in Capricorn and this is considered one of the most important features of 2012, for these two together herald energies of outstanding success. Jupiter expands everything and Pluto takes the good fortune of Jupiter and makes it so much bigger. This is on every level. If you were trying for a new addition to the family of a two legged type then there is a narrow window of chance of this through to 15th March. To sum up Venus will be a blessing as it moves through your true love sector 5th March - 3rd April. 12th March such a fantastic day, this day rates as five stars, it should be that good. Mid March magical for love matters related to family and children. Mercury retrogrades 12th March to 4th April so take care in signing anything. And the big message here is have a fantastic month but be flexible.

ROMANTIC DATES: 1 - 16 ... fantastic


Saggi .... This month was made for you. You really have got it all going on this month.... you are about to be showered with good fortune that will boost your career, creativity and income. Career figures early month and this will be your greatest area of progress. If you have an interview around 8th March, plus three days, you should receive an offer connected to this that you will just love. This position that you will be discussing is sure to raise your status in your industry and bring attention to your work and your experience. This position also pays generously, so just wait and see how wonderful this is going to be for you. As the full moon will not fall far from Mars, it implies that you may be energised to act on a career matter this full moon. However, please do not be impulsive this month; you cannot afford to be as Mars is retrograde 12th March to 4th April. If you can discuss and make happen the offer by 9th March then please do so, but if not, be patient and wait until April. You won't miss anything by waiting as aspects are getting even better as we go into late April and May. Pluto is in your second house of earned income and this means that good old Pluto will ensure you are paid well for any new position or job. It doesn’t make any difference if you are employed or self-employed, Pluto is linking in with Venus, Jupiter and Mars, and due to this money/career changes/opportunities will be powerful and beneficial. So you have your own golden triangle going on here and this is a very special one, not been seen since 2004 and before that not seen since 1967. This grand trine is made of four planets and ALSO has the Sun and New Moon just before they meet apex giving this greater amplification..... Now Saggi. You all know you are soft as grease inside, with a tough exterior to protect your softness, and sometimes this has left scars, but brilliant chances such as what you are in now has the power to help us change those scars by building confidence and helping us to build high goals that stay with us forever. Such a golden powerful time for you, so make the most of it and build your future. Home also figures strongly here; it seems to be that some of you will be looking to make changes in the home or indeed a home move. The first weeks of March are good for this. Been feeling a bit under the weather? You have Jupiter giver of gifts and luck in your health and fitness until June 11th, Jupiter is in fine form so you have the chance to get healthy and fit. And have you let yourself go a little? Venus is orbiting close to Jupiter so you can look a little better with a little effort (come on us Saggi's do like to slob about eh?). Love. If you are a single Saggi the moon on the 22nd will be one of the most important moons of the year for you to find new love in the two weeks following the moon phase. So circulate and flirt, do what you are good at to find special love... career matters reach a high point 8th March plus or minus four days. Mars continues to zoom through your career zone all month but is retrograde, it turns direct 13th April and things will move forward at this time. 12th March is a very important date and HUGELY beneficial to you as on that day, your ruling planet Jupiter will be in perfect sync with Pluto, so watch for a lucrative job or client to come to you. Mercury retrogrades 12th March so watch anything you have to sign.

ROMANTIC DATES: 4-5, 9-10, 12-14, 22, and 24th (wild card, anything could happen that day, so stay calm and assess)



3rd March Scorpio is a divine time. You also have a grand trine and the planets are having a little get together... you are invited to Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Pluto, plus the Sun and New Moon on 8th March. This means that this period will outshine anything that you have experienced recently. It will bring remarkable benefits and joy to you. So this month you will be focusing on partnership/commitment; hopes and wishes and friendships; and promises and travel. But before we get too excited... calm down, unfortunately Mercury is retrograde 12th March to 4th April so this will slow things down somewhat. Only for three weeks though, so do not worry. Mercury is not strong enough to stop this grand trine, just delays it a little. Now down to business. You need to ensure that all important business is resolved (or shelved until after the retrograde) by 8th March. If not finished put it to one side. By business I mean giving your final decision or signing papers. Love if you are single you have a fantastic outlook as Neptune moves into your fifth house of true love. Good old Neptune will stay in Pisces in this area of your chart for 14 years. Keep circulating all month. Nitty gritty dates for you 6th March - 3rd April Venus tours Taurus, this can be oh so sweet in relationships for you; 8th March plus minus five days brings important but beneficial social events to your calendar; 12th March is one of your best days, has the potential to be sensational for you on every level. 22nd March work is focused so please be focused yourself and reap the benefits of this; remember the retrograde energy of Mercury and be patient. 22nd March is also a time for you to take up any fitness plan as you will stick to it if you start here.

ROMANTIC DATES: 3-5, 6-8, 12-16, 20, 30, 31



Libra, your middle name is luck this month, it is a wonderful month as Venus your ruler will spend almost all the month orbiting a tiny few degrees from Jupiter, the planet of gifts and luck. A lot of things will go your way due to this, it is hard to imagine anyone saying no to you this month, so anything that you want to sort out, please try to.  What is lovely to see for you is that there is an area in your eighth house that shines brighter than the rest ‘other people’s money’… in other words a lump sum, a onetime chunk of cash, so either a settlement or a gift.  Remember it is a one off.  Mercury is retrograde this month 12th March to 4th April and added to this Mars will continue retrograde until 13th April, so you most certainly will experience delays, but do not fight them, go with them and it appears a partner or adversary tries to hold things up but go with the flow, co-operate as best you can and do not protest as no matter what the holdup is, it is out of your control.  Show good attitude and if possible try to slow things down even more as financially a better time to make decisions is around 21st April.  Mars is in your house of partnership/marriage and this makes things out of your control.  Remember the New Moon brings brims with good luck and fortune. 22nd March brings your focus on your partner/or anyone in partnership with you.  (Business or love).  There are four planets crowded into your seventh house at this time so this means that there could be an interesting time with not only your partner but also an adversary.  Remember stay calm and step back.   Towards the end of the month you will have to make sure that you are not stepping on your partner’s toes… so dance with him/her instead of fighting …. As due to the vibrations of the planets and them being on the western side of your chart, your partner will be in control of whatever situation is coming in.  Their behaviour may be somewhat erratic, but you cannot control this.  To make it clearer for you, this partner is not necessarily your love partner, but could be a business partner or someone you represent in the business world.  This energy will fade out and fade out quicker the calmer you are.  Remember your middle name is luck this month, so make the most of it.  Dates to note 12th March (note up until this date protect your health) is a brilliant day to deal with matters related to property/home/family and money.  Remember Mercury retrograde 12th March to 4th April so no major decisions then please.  13th March a really good day for you as Venus your ruler is conjunct with Jupiter.  A new chapter starts for you at the New Moon on 22nd March in your marriage or partnership.  The next ten days may bring in surprising news in this area.  24th March your partner is about to surprise you or be unpredictable.  This month is a lucky one for you so please use those energies to your advantage; they are given for a reason.  But your patience may well be tested with a partner, all will be well if you remain calm and do not react.


ROMANTIC DATES:  12-14, 17-18, 27-28





Magical energies for you in early March and the universe brings to you a grand trine, some of the best alignments seen in years, sent to you by a loving universe.  This brings you so many benefits.  You should find that your cynicism is replaced by optimism and doors will open to bring you many victories, on several fronts.  It is indeed true that every sign will have something to cheer about in March, for you there is a brilliant set of days from 1 – 11th March and as a wonderful grounded earth sign that you are, please take full advantage of these energies.  The opportunities that come to you in March give you the potential on which to build your future, so strong is this gift from the universe.  We all need a bit of help to get through life, we all need someone to help us along the way during difficult times, but this is a tremendous breakthrough energy you are in.  It is time to get your breakthrough, so please enjoy and ride this energy wave.  In the love area having Mars in Virgo is always a big advantage as Mars will make you be noticed and enhance your magnetism to others.  Remember Mars is the ‘can do’ planet so please go forward boldly (not arrogantly though please as this is not attractive) and be confident in yourself.  5th March Venus moves into Taurus and stays until 3rd April and this is another great advantage.  This is a good time to make first dates or for revamping yourself with a great pamper session.  This is a time of reinvention for you if you have been feeling a little stale with yourself then please have a makeover.  For those in relationships the start of March is a great time to snug into your love and confirm the bond between you.  Jupiter is also in Taurus …. And will be there until 11th June… yet another huge advantage.  During travel you can meet someone special and Virgo…. Get out there and circulate, you have so much going on.  To sum up, until 4th April Venus is in Taurus, a perfect place for you.  The full moon of this month 8th March brings something of importance to you to a fullness/completion.  Money for you Virgo 22nd March.  Surprises for you on 24th March in the financial area.  And let’s not forget the retrograde energies of Mercury from 12th March to 4th April.  Mercury is your ruling planet, so no major decisions being shot from the hip please; Mars will be in Virgo retrograde all month and will go direct on 13th April.  Any decisions if they can wait please wait until after this date…. Retrograde delays things, direct speeds them up.


ROMANTIC DATES:  2-3, 7-8, 12, 14-16, 24-26, 30-31




Like the other signs, you are in for a wonderful time due to the grand trine.  Never since 2004 has such an alignment been seen.  Your chart is lit up like the Blackpool lights and as Blackpool is known for its bingo, soon you will see that you have won as all bingo balls are called.  This is so rare it brings in opportunities for you to get ahead in your career, in situations that may have been impossible before.  Please expect to have money on your mind as this full moon falls into this sector of your chart; remarkably Mars is also paying a visit to this sector at the time of the full moon 8th – 13th March it sends a direct beam to Jupiter.   Jupiter will bring you a time of good luck and fortune.  You may get a raise or a promotion (or both).  If you are self-employed and you feel you want to advertise your skills more, by spending a little you should make a return.  This is a time to think of your career and with the planets sitting where they are, you cannot really go wrong.  As you will have read, Mercury is retrograde and normally I would be saying do nothing in this time.  But if you have had a project that you laid aside some time ago, now is a good time to revisit this and consider launch. But there will be slight delays and I am talking of a project done or started a long time ago… not just a couple of months ago.  So be aware but do not be stagnant is the message there.  Mixed messages this month romantically … please be very aware if you meet someone new, the wonderful blooms of romance, the strong feelings are awakened, Mars is still retrograde you may find if you commit too soon during this time that in time you feel that the spark has gone and if I am honest, there is no way to get this spark back.  Do not commit too soon… and you will be just fine.  Remember communication is also delayed during a retrograde energy, and Mercury is just so placed now until 4th April.  If you are already attached you will find yourself working and not spending so much time with a partner, but find a few moments for each other and they will be fulfilling.  It does look like a strenuous time for working and you may feel like getting away but looking at this, it looks like those wishes will have to be delayed due to work, work and more work.  March – June is all about career, goals and achievement.  After this time, it is time for fun, play and enjoyment, so knuckle down to reap the rewards of your honest, good hard work.   Important dates.  Within four days of 8th March, a financial matter is resolved.  Partner’s behave erratically around 24th March, so stay calm and collected.  Do not sign contracts 12th March to 4th April due to Mercury retrograde, and no big announcements or purchases as it may well blow up in your face.  12th March brilliant day for you, Jupiter signals to Pluto so a rare but wonderful day for your career and within a day more great news around 13th March.


ROMANTIC DATES:  4-5, 13-14, 22-24.





Oh Cancer, such a steadfast sign, always responsible and always careful to fulfil these responsibilities to others.  Over the past couple of years your time of self-indulgence has been limited, great news, first half of March addresses this and you should start to find more time for yourself, maybe spending more time with friends, the chance of a short pleasure trip, a trip away will do you the world of good so please try and make this possible.  The Moon rules your sign and as we are in a Full Moon, travel is highly likely.  You may also be looking at contracts to be signed at another place, another city, combine work and pleasure please, have fun, have ‘me’ time, not something you are practised at.  Mercury being retrograde until 4th April may slow some of your discussions or talk around work, but this is not for long, so any deal or negotiations, may be slow but will be resolved.  Look on it this way, any delays will be beneficial to you. The fact that Mercury goes retrograde in Aries, your solar tenth house of fame, shows us that you will have no choice but to move at a slower pace, so do not fight this or get annoyed with it, embrace it and know all will come good on work/contracts etc etc.  Go with the flow and don’t press for answers, everyone is feeling like this and knowing this should make you feel better about it.  The secret here is not to look for instant answers, it is a shame that Mercury is retrograde when you have your own grand trine occurring but, the delays are necessary and the outcome will be more positive by not forcing issues.  Love.  Does the word ‘anxious’ resonate with you?  You seem really eager to make progress, you feel that commitment with a loyal and true person is what you seek.  But if you are in a relationship that has stagnated then you are entering an energy whereby you will seek the exact opposite and maybe look towards leaving that stagnant relationship as you will not stay in something with an uncertain future. Saturn is moving close to your love sector and this makes you view things over long term not short term fun.  If single, you will grow tired of explaining yourself over and over again to potential partners, a goal is to find that someone special and it seems to hang heavy in your mind.  Don’t let it.  Enjoy, relax and let the universe weave its magic.  If you are dating in a long term relationship, you can use this energy to set in motion some long term plans.  Great day for love is 12th March, put an asterix in your diary and remind yourself to enjoy.  Also whilst you’re at it, do the same for 13th March, these can be heavenly days so please put on the glad rags and get out there and be a social butterfly.  Important dates; 8th March plus or minus four days, good for travel; watch the retrograde energies of Mercury up until 4th April, be aware of anything you sign; 12th & 13th March, wonderful days, and 12th March is a dazzling day of success around financial deals; romance; friendships; basically most things.   You could well feel the energies of this as soon as the weekend of 10th-11th March.  It is a fantastic time so please enjoy.  Also around these times, focus on your career… it could well be on fire in a good way.  The Planets are having a shin dig in the sky and gifting you some wonderful opportunities.  16th – 19th March, a bit nervous are we?  Use this energy to come up with some innovative ideas connected to your career.  22nd March New Moon in your honours and fame sector… VIP’s are figuring here and 29th March you stand too meet a challenging VIP, so be calm, cool and collected. 23 – 24th March, unexpected career news.  Overall a challenging but interesting month for you


ROMANTIC DATES: 2-3, 6-8, 11-12, 14, 20, 31




Dear Gemini … what a glittering month ahead for you.  Like the rest you also have a grand trine and when the universe starts to shower its gifts on you, enjoy, as this is a very rare time.  You will soon sense that the air is shifting and becoming more interesting and magical.  Three big areas to focus on and gain in are your family and home; financial area and career.  Later in the month friends heavily focus but not early part of the month.  All three areas will be headlines in your life starting on 8th March, the full moon energy.  What is lovely here is that this sparks the grand trine of the planetary alignments, so four happy planets intend to help you achieve your goal that no matter how hard you tried beforehand, you found impossible, now that word no longer exists in your vocabulary this month.  Early in the month you will be focusing on financial matters, anything from mortgages to loans, to child support, anything financial will come to the fore, so please take advantage of the full moon and make sure all things are tied up four days after the 8th March.  Mercury is retrograde until 4th April and this will affect you, it will cause delays and you could feel a tad ‘dizzy’ during this time.  Foggy headed and no clarity of thoughts.  Don’t fret it will pass.  You will find this time a little frustrating and as Mercury rules the thinking and communication areas, this is why you feel a tad dizzy.  You have to make sure you keep a track on your personal items, such as keys, glasses etc. as during this retrograde you could well lose track of these items, such is the dizziness affecting you.  Try not to make any major decisions during retrograde, but if a business deal or an offer from the past …. And I mean past... not just a couple of weeks… presents, and then please seriously give it consideration, retrograde or not, there is a history of trust with this person, this is why you are safe to do so.  It will be a wonderful opportunity for you.  Later in the month a great opportunity to meet up with friends, a surprising wonderful time, a happy time so please enjoy.  18th March, a tense date, but also can be brilliant so bring in some positivity and make it brilliant.  14th March… what a wonderful romantic day.  12th March, good day for financial matters to be concluded.  14th March… singles… go on a blind date, a good date for this.


ROMANTIC DATES:  1, 5-6, 10, 14, 17, 22, 26-28





Taurus …. Now is your time.  The grand trine combines all four Earth signs so a great time ahead this month for you.  You should sense around the Full Moon of the 8th March the beginnings of what a tremendous month ahead for you.  You need to watch for the culmination of this energy around 12th – 13th March, a magical time for achievement and it will feel like stepping into the warmest of hugs.  The Full Moon’s job is to take what is around it and amplify it, so you should feel much hugged!!!!  8th March moon is about personal life, about romance, about love; you may meet someone that you cannot stop thinking about or you may indeed hear a confession of love from another.  Good news all round on matters of the heart/family and home.  We do feel that something huge is blossoming for you on these levels, and it has the potential of being huge; you should find yourself feeling very loved and wanted, as indeed you are.  In truth, love figures here hugely, it is not about work or finances but please note if you are to buy something electrical, do it the first half of the month please; this month is about LOVE at a high level.  Out of a score of 10, romantically you score 10 on love.   It does not get any better than that.  Love is brilliant all month but there is more... it gets better in May and June.  Now to some more mundane things…. Your intuition is good, please listen to it around 8th March plus four days, your senses are accurate and correct and this time again is HUGE in love.  13th March a great day to make decisions.  Remember the Mercury retrograde 12th March to 4th April, so no major contracts or decisions please; 22nd March your psychic intuition is at a high so please listen to it.  This month is just about love, a bit more love, more love and then some more……


ROMANTIC DATES:   ALL THE MONTH, but with particular note on 3- 6, 8-16, 19, 24-25 …. In fact just enjoy love on every level this month.




Aries, you have had a very tough time of it lately and over the past few years.  What you need to do as you progress towards your birthday is to see the situations that have caused you pain like a film, analyse each section of the film and see where you made mistakes, where others reacted to your mistakes; where you could have prevented what happened from happening.  We want you to unpick the events of the last few years and then unpick some more as by doing this you can move on and embrace the wonderful energies that are there.  By unpicking and by seeing the mistakes of the past you can embrace and come up with some solutions.  You may feel that you cannot take anymore and that you have come to the end of the line.  WRONG…. This is the turnaround point and this is where your life turns around.  You are about to enter a very fast moving pace so please guard your health to make sure you are well as you go into it.  Like other stars you are going to see the benefits of the grand trine.  All four planets are in the Earth signs, known for manifestation of dreams and wishes.  Consider carefully what you want and how you work towards this as there is no reason why it cannot manifest.  Professional matters and work related issues figure strongly for you this month, Jupiter and Pluto work together 8th March … a signature of success.  12th -14th March make sure everything is wrapped up and sorted out before the Mercury retrograde gets into its full force.  You may find that due to this retrograde that things are being pushed back at work or delayed, this is all that it is and that golden nugget is still in reach, it is just delayed.  Love.  To be honest not a brilliant the month for romance and love.  You have had better.  So shall we ignore that this month and get you focusing on work and your life outside of romance.  Those in relationships do not make a hasty decision as nothing is moving; wait and wait a bit more… retrograde has to be gone before any decisions are made.  It is a stop start month for you on romance, lots of yo yo energies, so let’s ignore them and not react to them.  Important dates; 8th March a work project reaches culmination; 12th March great day for career and money making ventures; 15th March, a great day for everything, but in the main job/work/health; 18th March you have some wonderful ideas, hold them until after the retrograde; 22nd March you start to come into your own as the New Moon energies grip; 24th March, you feel the need to assert your independence. Remember Arians, you like to control, do not be too controlling with your partner as this is not a great month for romance. 


ROMANTIC DATES:  1-4, 12-14, 17, 22-23, 28. 


For everyone.  This is a really magical time with the grand trine energies.  It can make things bigger than you can imagine, but as ever you hold it in your hands how you take things forward.  So make the most of every opportunity and try so hard not to wallow in negativity.  This is not going to help you or those around you.  This month can be wondrous for us all if we take the opportunities that present.  Love to you all x

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